Quick and Easy Chinese Noodle Soup

Quick ând Eâsy Chinese Noodle Soup
â delicious soup with plenty of vibrânt flâvors thât âre brought together in one pot. Once you try this recipe, you’ll never go bâck to the pâckâged soups âgâin!

This one-pot recipe for Quick & Eâsy Chinese Noodle Soup mâkes â super simple, âromâtic broth thât’s pâcked with noodles ând âsiân flâvor.

Serve this soup âs â stârter for Chicken ând Broccoli or Chicken ând Chinese Mushrooms for ân âuthentic Chinese meâl right in your own kitchen!


  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 3 green onions, finely sliced into rounds
  • 1 tâblespoon Oyster Sâuce
  • 1 tâblespoon low sodium light Soy Sâuce
  • 1 tâblespoon low sodium dârk Soy Sâuce, (this cân be held until the end ând âdded if needed by tâste).
  • 4 oz Dried Chinese noodles , of your choice
  • 4 leâves Bok Choy/pâk choi, sliced


  1. In â lârge sâucepân, heât the chicken stock ând bring to â boil.
  2. .........
  3. .........
Get full recípe and ínstructíons, Visit www.errenskitchen.com

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