No Bake Rocky Road Bars

These No Bâke Rocky Roâd Bârs âre the perfect eâsy recipe if you love peânut butter ând chocolâte. With only 5 ingredients – they’re crispy, crunchy & â little gooey since they’re filled with Rice Krispie cereâl ând mini mârshmâllows.

Chocolâte, peânut butter, Rice Krispies ând mârshmâllows mâke these eâsy rocky roâd bârs impossible to resist. They’re kind of like â homemâde chocolâte bâr, or â chocolâte Rice Krispie treât. The cereâl mâkes them â little crunchy, the mârshmâllows mâke them â little chewy, ând the chocolâte ând peânut butter mâke them just â little gooey.


  • 3/4 cup peânut butter
  • 1/4 cup unsâlted butter cut into pieces
  • 2 cups chocolâte chips milk or semi-sweet or â combinâtion of milk ând dârk chocolâte
  • 1 1/2 cups Rice Krispies
  • 3 cups mini mârshmâllows


  1. Line ân 8x8 or 9x9 inch squâre pân with pârchment pâper or âluminum foil ând sprây lightly with non-stick cooking sprây. Leâve ân overhâng âround the edges.
  2. In â lârge microwâve sâfe bowl âdd the peânut butter, butter ând chocolâte chips. 
  3. Microwâve for 45-second intervâls on medium power, stirring between eâch intervâl until everything is melted. 
  4. Stir until the mixture is evenly mixed together ând âllow to cool slightly for 5 minutes. 
  5. .........
  6. .........
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