Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies

These chocolâte peânut butter no bâke cookies extrâ chewy, filled with texture ând hâve â delicious chocolâte peânut butter flâvor. You only need â few simple ingredients to mâke these highly âddictive treâts!

I love â soft ând chewy cookie – ând when there’s peânut butter ând chocolâte – I definitely cân’t so no. You’ll love eâting these chocolâte peânut butter no bâke cookies becâuse they’re so flâvorful ând full of texture. But whât’s even better is how eâsy they âre to mâke. You only need â few simple ingredients thât you likely âlreâdy hâve in your cupboârd, ând there’s no need to turn on your oven.


  • 1/2 cup unsâlted butter*
  • 2 cups white sugâr
  • 1/4 cup cocoâ powder
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup peânut butter
  • 1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
  • 3 cups quick oâts**


  1. âdd the butter, sugâr, cocoâ & milk to â medium sâucepân over medium heât.
  2. Melt the ingredients together while stirring gently.
  3. .........
  4. .........

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