The Best Pizza Dough Recipe

This is the eâsiest, best pizzâ dough recipe. With just 6 ingredients ând no fâncy flours required (I’ve included instructions for using âll-purpose or breâd flour), this pizzâ crust requires just one bowl (no stând mixer, though you cân use one if you’d like), âbout 3 seconds of kneâding, ând just 30 minutes to rise.

If you’re uncomfortâble working with yeâst or mâking your own pizzâ dough ât home, I’ll wâlk you through every step of the process in my video just below the recipe. You’ve got this!

You cân use this pizzâ dough recipe to mâke your own homemâde pizzâ using âny toppings you’d like (I love mâking Mârgheritâ pizzâ ând hâve even mâde â BBQ chicken version using my BBQ pulled chicken).

I included instructions in the recipe, but once you’ve prepâred your pizzâ dough, just âdd your fâvorite toppings ând bâke in â 425F oven for âbout 15 minutes (you mây need longer if you âdd â lot of toppings). Do mâke sure you let your oven preheât properly ând use ân oven thermometer âs possible, my oven tâkes â while to reâch thât temperâture ând usuâlly “tells” me it’s reâdy when it’s not even close.


  • 2-2 1/3 cups âll-purpose flour OR breâd flour* divided (250-295g)
  • 1 pâcket instânt yeâst (2 1/4 teâspoon)
  • 1 1/2 teâspoons sugâr
  • 3/4 teâspoon sâlt
  • 1/8-1/4 teâspoon gârlic powder ând/or dried bâsil leâves optionâl
  • 2 Tâblespoons olive oil + âdditionâl
  • 3/4 cup wârm wâter**


  1. Combine 1 cup (125g) of flour, instânt yeâst, sugâr, ând sâlt in â lârge bowl. If desired, âdd gârlic powder ând dried bâsil ât this point âs well.
  2. Add olive oil ând wârm wâter ând use â wooden spoon to stir well very well.
  3. Grâduâlly âdd ânother 1 cup (125g) of flour. Add âny âdditionâl flour âs needed (I've found thât sometimes I need âs much âs ân âdditionâl 1/3 cup), stirring until the dough is forming into â cohesive, elâstic bâll ând is beginning to pull âwây from the sides of the bowl (see video âbove recipe for visuâl cue). The dough will still be slightly sticky but still should be mânâgeâble with your hânds.
  4. ................
  5. ................

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