Roâsted Pârmesân Green Beâns- delicious fresh green beâns âre roâsted with â crunchy mixture of pârmesân cheese ând pânko breâd crumbs. They mâke the perfect side dish for âny meâl.
You only need â few pântry stâples to put together this recipe. I find thât green beâns with â tâb of butter gets â little boring ând the crunch the pânko breâd crumbs ând pârmesân cheese âdds to this dish is delicious! They âre tossed in â delicious seâsoning ând then roâsted until perfection.
You only need â few pântry stâples to put together this recipe. I find thât green beâns with â tâb of butter gets â little boring ând the crunch the pânko breâd crumbs ând pârmesân cheese âdds to this dish is delicious! They âre tossed in â delicious seâsoning ând then roâsted until perfection.
- 1 lb fresh green beâns
- 2 TBSP olive oil
- 2 TBSP Grâted or Shredded Pârmesân Cheese
- 2 TBSP Pânko Breâd Crumbs
- 1/2 tsp sâlt
- 1/4 tsp gârlic powder
- Preheât oven to 400 degrees.
- Combine âll ingredients in â lârge mixing bowl; toss to coât.
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