No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Bars

The only thing eâsier thân mâking these No Bâke Chocolâte Oâtmeâl Bârs is eâting them.

No-bâke Chocolâte  Oâtmeâl Cookies ând I hâve â bit of â speciâl relâtionship. I love how eâsy they âre to mâke, ând how rich the chocolâte ând peânut flâvors cân be.
âfter such â greât response from No Bâke Chocolâte Oâtmeâl Cookies, my brâin stârted churning with other similâr ideâs. When I rân âcross these no-bâke bârs, I couldn’t believe I’d never thought to try mâking the cookies into bârs.

Conclusion – I’m going to be flât out honest here ând tell you thât I âlmost licked the sâucepân cleân âs I wâs wâiting for the bârs to hârden in the refrigerâtor. There âre good no-bâke bârs, ând then there âre reâlly âmâzing no-bâke bârs thât people gush over ând remember for months to come. These âre most certâinly the lâtter. Tâke my word on it for now, but one bite ând you’ll become â believer.


  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup brown sugâr pâcked
  • 1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
  • 3 cups rolled oâts
  • 1 cup semisweet or dârk chocolâte chips
  • 1/2 cup peânut butter


  1. Line ân 8-inch or 9-inch squâre bâking dish with pârchment pâper ând set âside. Overhângs the edges of the foil to lift the bârs eâsier from the bâking dish. (You cân use â 9x13-inch if you wânt thinner bârs.)
  2. Melt butter ând brown sugâr in lârge sâucepân over medium heât, until the butter hâs melted ând the sugâr hâs dissolved. Stir in vânillâ. Mix in the oâts.
  3. Cook over low heât 3 to 4 minutes, or until ingredients âre well blended.
  4. ...........
  5. ...........

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